Welcome to Rhys Garden! I’m Tran Minh Trang, the founder and main author of Rhys Garden. With over 15 years of experience in gardening and plant care, I’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge and passion to share with you.

About Me

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by the beauty of nature and the wonder of nurturing plants. My childhood memories, intertwined with our family’s small garden, ignited a powerful passion for the world of plants. After years of studying and working in agriculture, I decided to create Rhys Garden to share my experience and knowledge with the community.

My Mission

Tran Minh Trang, the founder and main author of Rhys Garden

I aim to provide people with in-depth and practical knowledge about gardening, helping you not only understand how to care for plants but also raise awareness about the importance of green environments. I believe that each of us can create a lush living space, contributing to environmental protection and improving our quality of life.

Content I Share

On Rhys Garden, I share detailed and easy-to-understand articles about:

  • Soil Care: From choosing the right soil type, soil improvement techniques, to methods for protecting and enhancing soil quality.
  • Fertilizers: Guidance on selecting and using fertilizers effectively for different types of plants.
  • Planting Techniques: Sharing experiences on how to plant and care for various types of plants, from vegetables to ornamentals.
  • Plant Protection: Methods for pest and disease prevention and maintaining plant health.
  • Gardening News and Trends: Updates on the latest information about technology, techniques, and trends in the field of gardening.

Closing Words

Rhys Garden is not just a place to learn but also a space to share the passion for plants and nature. I hope that through each article, you will feel the joy and excitement of gardening. Let’s explore and enjoy a greener life together, contributing to making a more beautiful world!

Thank you for visiting and supporting Rhys Garden!

Tran Minh Trang